Thursday, March 18, 2010

April Workshop

On Saturday, April 17th, BSA will do a "road trip workshop". We will have a day at Guy Guidry's bonsai nursery in Covington. Mark it on your calendar and make plans to attend. We will discuss details at our next meeting.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Minutes of February 2010 meeting

January 2010 meeting was cancelled because too many members were sick and could not attend.

Minutes of February 2010 Meeting
Opened meeting 7:00 p.m.
Dues were collected
Meal provided by Boyd Snellgrove
Discussion of Festival de Fleur to take place on Saturday May 8, 2010, not on Sunday because of Mother's Day. It was discussed that the club would donate $125 to Festival de Fleur.
Also there was a discussion about future workshops.
Mike Baumbach gave a report on the finances for the year 2009.
A sign up sheet for future meals for the 1st of the month meetings was offered for those who wanted to participate.
Some members brought trees to repot.
Meeting ended at 9:00 p.m.