Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Minutes of June 2010

Meeting started at 7:00 p.m.

Johnny welcomed old and new members to the club. Our new members are Sam and Yvette Duck, Trent Belisle, and Jerek and Mary Beebe.

Johnny asked Vic to tell the club about their trip to Brussel's Rendezvous. Vic won the best workshop tree done by Mark Nolander. He spoke about how great the workshops were and the men that demonstrated and lectured about the trees. He also stated how nice and large the facility is.

On July 17 there will be a state meeting at the Wildlife and Fisheries. Johnny and Boyd plan on giving a talk to represent our club.

At the meeting tonight a selection of trees was offered to the entire club as workshop trees to try air layering and grafting or whatever else you might want to try. There was a range of Junipers, Maples, Boxwoods, Raintree and elm.

The Snack List for the year is as follows:

This Snack is brought to the 1st Wednesday of the month meeting. If you would like to sign up for any month that is vacant, please let Boyd know which month you would like to bring snacks.

March--------Vic & Jane
May----------Bruce & Debbie

Meeting ended at 9:00p.m.