BSA Notes October 2012
By Jane Hebert, BSA Editor
The Bonsai Society of Acadiana
(BSA) will meet on Wednesday October 3rd,
2012 at 7:00pm. BSA meets on the First Wednesday of each month at the
Ira Nelson Horticulture Bldg, 2206 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA.
- A reminder to all BSA Members, LABS is Saturday October 6th, 2012 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. See newsletter for more details
- BSA Annual Auction is on hold at this time. We have discussed the possibility of a Swap Meet later this fall. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact a BSA Board Member.
- BSA is planning to have Dana Quattlebaum for a workshop in November 2012. If you would like to be there and are unable to make our monthly meeting – check your email for updates from BSA President Boyd Snellgrove.
On our last monthly meeting on September 5th, 2012, BSA
Director Johnny Hardcastle presented “Mixed Forest”. Here is a photo of the Mixed Forest he
brought from his collection.
This forest includes Saunders boxwood, azaleas, Hinoki
cypress, and Korean hornbeam.
Johnny began this Mixed Forest while working with Dana
Quattlebaum 2 years ago. He started with
a large, shallow oval pot and used a naturalistic approach to placement. Unlike
traditional forest plantings where all the trees are of specific variety, i.e.
Elm; this planting utilizes larger trees like boxwood as the main tree and
smaller trees like azalea as understory trees.
“Mixed Forest” plantings are sometimes referred to as
“Tiny Landscapes” as they follow similar approaches in tree placement. Johnny
provided several excellent tips to keep in mind when planting a Mixed Forest including
(1). Choosing trees that have similar requirements like sunlight, soil, water
and drainage, and disease resistance and, (2). Keeping in mind the “scale” of
items included, like rocks, water features and paths, to make sure they appear
as they would in nature.
We would like to thank BSA for providing the snacks and
drinks at this meeting.
OUR MEMBERS –Annual Dues are collected in June. Dues are $20.00 per person, $30.00 per couple.
Check for any updates on upcoming events, current information
on BSA, and a list of vendors/companies that sell quality materials. This is your best source for information you
might have missed if you are unable to attend meetings each month.
October 3rd, 2012 BSA
Monthly Meeting Snacks
will be provided
October 6, 2012 LABS
in Lake Charles, LA – see newsletter for details
November 7th, 2012 BSA
Monthly Meeting – may change depending on workshop date with Dana Quattlebaum
if both are on the same week – check your email for details.