Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BSA Notes February 2013

BSA Notes February 2013
By Jane Hebert, BSA Editor
The Bonsai Society of Acadiana (BSA) will meet on Wednesday February 6th at 7:00pm. BSA meets on the First Wednesday of each month at the Ira Nelson Horticulture Bldg., 2206 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA.
NEW BUSINESS - Annual membership dues are due and being collected for all active BSA Members. Dues are $20.00 for Individuals or $30.00 for family.
                As BSA will be hosting LABS this year, we are asking for BSA Members input and opinions on dates and locations.

BSA President Boyd Snellgrove presented “Winter Bonsai Care” on our first monthly meeting of 2013 on January 2nd.  He provided information on reducing the nitrogen component of fertilizer as this can stimulate growth and hardened off growth should remain, not grow during winter; as well as pointers on reducing watering depending on each trees requirements. The presentation included information on keeping bench areas and pots cleaned off and void of dead leaves and debris as this can promote fungal infections and insect infestations. He also suggested that this is a good time to get a head start on insect control using a 3 in 1 (fungicide, miticide, and insecticide) since you have clear access to trunks without foliage.

Boyd reminded us that this is the best time for wiring deciduous trees, evaluating design and style, making branch choices, and checking for wired trees for “biting in” and unwire – all without risk of damaging new budding. Finally, he suggested that you may consider marking and making a note about any trees that are close to needing to be unwired as soon as spring arrives.

In closing, Boyd suggested now is the time to get pots ready, find new pots, and get soil mixtures ready for spring transplanting. Elm, maple, and bald cypress can be repotted beginning the 2nd week in January and continue until February, provided our temperatures remain cold.  Continue with frost and freeze protection depending on  hardiness of trees.

We would like to say Thank You to Boyd for providing the snacks at the January meeting.

 News:  Johnny Hardcastle, BSA Director and a Board Member of Gulf Coast Bonsai Foundation gave us a brief update on the early stages of planning for Gulf Coast Bonsai Foundation.

BLOG/USEFUL INFORMATION:    Check http://www.acadianabonsai.blogspot.com for any updates on upcoming events, current information on BSA, and a list of vendors/companies that sell quality materials.  This is your best source for information you might have missed if you are unable to attend meetings each month. You may need to use a Google search to connect to acadianabonsai. blogspot.com
UPCOMING EVENTS:                     
February 6th, 2013                                          BSA Monthly Meeting
March 6th, 2013                                                 BSA Monthly Meeting