BSA Notes March 2013
By Jane Hebert, BSA Editor
The Bonsai Society of Acadiana
(BSA) will meet on Wednesday March 6th at
7:00pm. BSA meets on the First Wednesday of each month at the
Ira Nelson Horticulture Bldg., 2206 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA.
Annual membership dues are due and being collected for all active BSA Members.
Dues are $20.00 for Individuals or $30.00 for family.
BSA will be hosting LABS this year, we are asking for BSA Members input and
opinions on dates and locations.
– Following
a short business meeting, BSA Members had a re-potting workshop which is an
annual event at the February meeting. BSA President Boyd Snellgrove repotted a
Maple which was collected in 2010, BSA Member Dario Billiot potted a Japanese
Boxwood, BSA Director Johnny Hardcastle repotted 2 mames, a Saunders boxwood
and Seiju elm, while BSA Member Dottie Burleigh pruned her Brazilian raintree
and an elm. We also welcomed 2 members
of the Abbeville Garden Club.
We would like
to say Thank You to BSA Members Debbie and Bruce Broussard for providing the
burgers and King cake at the February meeting.
Check for any updates on upcoming events, current information
on BSA, and a list of vendors/companies that sell quality materials. This is your best source for information you
might have missed if you are unable to attend meetings each month. You may need to use a Google search to
connect to acadianabonsai.
March 6th, 2013 BSA Monthly Meeting
April 3rd, 2013 BSA
Monthly Meeting